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  New Guinea Impatiens


Q Plug Trays Q Plug Trays Excel


This picture is perfect to illustrate what we have been talking about, "twisting and curling roots". From forest trees to annuals "a plant is no better than its roots." New Guinea Impatiens being such a fast grower is perfect to illustrate this point. Roots grow from their tips and therefore the greater number of root tips the faster the plant will establish and with less stress and diseases. 


NG I12

NG I12

New Guinea Impatiens grown on the left were grown in a Quick Start tray with Q-Plugs. The plants on the left will out grow the root bound plants on the right. The difference you see is only the tray used in rooting.

NG 15

NG 15

A close-up view comparing the roots of the Q-Plug grown in the Quick Start tray.

NG 7

NG 7

A root bound New Guinea Impatiens cuttings. You can see what a difference the tray makes in proper root development.

NG 6

NG 6

Using the Quick Start tray roots will always be straight and have a greater quantity of root tips. Note that the roots are growing in the center of the plug as well. A plug with a large number of root tips, growing throughout the root ball will establish faster with a lot less problems than a twisted root plug.

NG 4

NG 4

A closer look at the multi-branched, fibrous root system.

NG 10

NG 10

As you can see by using the Quick Start tray the roots grow throughout the entire Q Plug.

NG 3

NG 3

Two NGI grown in the Quick Start tray. Note the fibrous root system with roots growing continuously throughout the root ball.

NG 18

NG 18

A wide selection of NGI growing on a bench.

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